Sunday, December 13, 2020

Picking Through

I laid on the grass at the park,

I fell asleep and dreamt.

The world was still here

unchanged, even peaceful 

the colours of nature so vivid

the sky of a blue summer hue

the sun shining and warm high above

people mingling

life was living

Then, still in my dream
a dark cloud appear far away
but quickly approaching
we stood still for one second
watching attentively, of what was coming
we had heard rumor of the cloud
but never thought we would ever see it
We stayed where we had been standing
the cloud taking over
passing over our heads like a gigantic space ship,
clouds clashing in thunder
swiftly moving across the sky
there was, no rain

Then, we looked at the horizon
the blue sky was turning
white cotton clouds sweeping earth
pushing the black cloud away
the sun rays flashing down to earth
bringing life

I woke-up with my hand over my face
unsure if I had been dreaming
I laid there paralyzed
afraid to open my eyes. 
I could hear children's laughter,
people talking, playing games perhaps
still unsure and afraid, but with courage
I picked through my fingers
yes, the horrible pandemic that hit us all,
some, worse than others was gone
it all have been a dream
I felt the sun on my legs
and the blue sky appeared
brushed by soft clouds
and nature vibrant
life is living

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