Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dark Corner

The little tyrant sits at his desk
all the way in the corner and
Yes, alone in that lonely corner
where is dark and no light shines
from the outside or from the inside
The room is dark and gloomy
but only when you are there
The earth does not move in your world
except the one in your head
You are a little tyrant at the desk
lonely in the lonely corner
all by yourself with no window
in dark corner of this place
where you work alone
and nobody cares
I care because I'm writing about it
to release that terrible ache in my head
the slouch in my shoulders
the pain in my back
to get rid of the despondent cloud 
your bring to me every day
You are that little tyrant at his desk
all the way in the corner and
Yes, alone in that lonely corner
where is dark and no light shines
from the outside or from the inside
The room is dark and gloomy
but only because you are there
with disdain in your heart and pain
in your soul
In this lonely world you live
with us but alone
alone with us you are
and we leave you there
in the dark gloomy corner
of your own sad existence
What a pity for such a brilliant mind


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