You keep me grounded
and remind me everyday
to be
you tell me to give
no matter, what
you keep me in check
so there is no foul
to regret,
You have shown me,
the way
You have sacrifice your life
for us
We suffered each alone
but never,
You are my gravity
You have been my rock
in good and bad times,
You have painfully lived,
in silence
but no more.
When I think of you,
and that is, everyday
I am reminded where I have,
come from
I have never nor will ever,
all the sacrifices you have made
for us to become the people
we are,
now and will continue to be
You are my gravity
the force behind our lives
and even though we live apart
you are always present in our,
You have been my teacher
in life
My mentor through your, life
You are my gravity
We've shared laughs, tears, anger,
silent moments, but you have
always been,
there, in the corner of our lives
far in the distance, yet close behind
You are my gravity
The one who taught me to give
all of my being
to put all my heart in what I,
You showed me through you to be,
You taught me to take care of others
first, before myself
You show me to give my bed to my
guests and sleep on the floor,
if I must
You taught me to always give my best
and to never pass a bridge and burn it,
behind, in case I need to traverse it again.
You are my gravity,
The force behind our lives,
the center of our Universe,
our reason for living
our eternal love
You have been our guardian angel,
all this time
You are our gravity
in this world
the one who keeps us grounded
and who reminds us everyday
where we have come from.
You are our perfect Eden
in this imperfect world
you have
always been,
there, in the corner of our lives
far in the distance, yet close behind
You are our gravity
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