what would it be a girl or a boy?
will it be only one or two?
who knows only time will tell
it is an exciting time in anyone's life
a moment so wanted and waited for
it has arrived, it is here now and it most be lived
the sensations and emotions are one in an infinite million
words cannot describe the aura
that surrounds me from the moment it began
it could be a girl, and what name could I choose
the names are as infinite as the sea itself
and the images in my head of a baby girl
are miracles come true
it could be a boy, and what name could I choose
the names vary but they might be easier to choose
it must be a manly but kind name
so that when he grows up his name will remain even if he left
if it's two WOW! who could have guessed, no one to say the least
two birds with one stone someone would say
and what a joyful time that would become
running around from one crib to the next
giving one a bottle and the other one a breast
diapers will fly here and there, and scattered everywhere
baths will have to take turns and the joy will be just the same
even if not more from one than the other, but who cares
the sleepless nights will be worth a million in one, if not more
seeing the angel sleeping will draw tears to my eyes
while I caress their little faces and pointy noses
will give me more than any thrill in life
then she or he or both will grow up
to become fine humans beings
there will be pictures of them growing up
and we will reminisce of times passed and thank God
for all the blessing and miracles in our lives
for this is a true unexpected miracle in my life
A new life has began
A rainbow of colours has enter my head
do I want pink, blue, yellow, or green?
perusing in the stores is so much fun
little shoes, t-shirts, dresses, pants, even little hats
the choices are numerous and infinite
what should I buy or should I wait till I am sure
nah! I tell myself either or she or he can wear both
and if it's two there will no difference at all
for a new life has began
and that is all that it should count
the only thing I know is that the love will be the same
for either one or two, boy or girl it really doesn't matter
because the love I will get in return
will be more than life itself
and for that I am happy and blessed
would it be a girl or a boy?
who cares
all that matter now is
a new life has began
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