Thursday, November 12, 2020

Today, I Remember

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
the ones that survived
the ones that never came home

When the twelve salute guns are fired
I remember,
that lives were given for our freedom
that men and women volunteered
to end the evil that had been created
and the chaos that seemed, 
never ending

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
the ones that survived
the ones that never came home

Today, I remember
that 75 years ago, 
the struggle to end the struggle
thousands of lives were lost
but the struggle was won, nevertheless

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
The ones that survive
the ones that never came home

When the fighter jets fly high above in the sky
I remember,
and I bowed my head
and with tears streaming down my cheeks
I say thank you
for all the sacrifices that were made
to give me freedom

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
the ones that survived
the ones that never came home

I remember, that lives were lost
in that moment of silence
where only the Post plays
the sound of sorrow
and sadness

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
the ones that survived
the ones that never came home

Today, I remember
not only those that fought for freedom, but
all those citizens that also lost their lives
imprisoned in camps and send on the train
to their final death destination
and we will never know
the feared and uncertainty that went
through their minds

Today, I remember
I remember the fallen
the ones that survived
the ones that never came home
let's we never forget